

顯示從 2014 起發佈的文章

1.8 miles

This is my second "complete" song in English. Anyway, this is my 5th week and 6th week assignment. I have completed my course! Guess I will get my overall result in December. :) It was actually 3.8 km, based on some what true story. And this is the 3rd song about it. Anyway, I found it weird to sing 3.8 km. Though 1.8 miles sound weird as well, but not sound as as so mathematically as 3.8 km gua . ^^ 1.8 miles is not exactly same as 3.8 km too, just an "estimated" value. Week 5 was on creating a new song, considering the idea "propagation", rhyme scheme, rhythm of the song, and the melody, full flow of a song writing! Frankly, I didn't actually do the adjusting the note for stability/instability. In fact, my original solution to get the song done on last Wednesday night (within the few hours) by using one of my other song's melody to fit into the lyrics. Anyway, finally the melody flows into my mind right after I played guitar on the same chord...

Song writing journey

Just completed my 4th assignment on a song writing course on Wednesday night. I was supposed to use my assignment 3 submission, to identify the stressed and unstressed syllables in this assignment. However, I got quite low mark for that, and after reading the comments from peer, I think I really didn't do well. So, I decided to redo a new lyrics. Assignment 3 was to have a stable verse and an unstable chorus by using rhyme scheme. So, started from scratch again. Started with "Hot sun in the afternoon, I'll know I'll see you soon." That was for the rhyme purpose for stable verse. :D Was thinking of, shall I make it a love song? Nah... too lame. Then, think of my a few bad moments of the week, I decided to turn the lyrics into this. OK, I didn't follow the suggested tools, like boxes of progression and stuffs to construct this but, alas, time was ticking and I have to complete this before deadline. Here's the lyrics. Verse : Chorus : The chor...

[信情樂章] 我願是一座橋

2010年尾或2011年初寫的詞。原詞並不完整,然後一直擱置到今天。心血來潮,想開始完成它。最後,從這不完整的詞,抽出幾個字,重複。 記得那個時候,是看了一部電影而很想寫下這個500年的故事。那是一個會讓淚水裝滿整個胸口,然後哽咽著。噢,那部戲名叫做《劍雨》。 然後,開始感嘆愛情,可歌、可泣,卻不可愛。 於是,為了這可歌可泣的愛情,乾杯。

[信情樂章] 我愛你

這段音樂是這樣來的。 我在筆記本裡寫了這三行字。 寫一首我愛你 唱一首我愛你 哼一首我愛你 然後,很鬱悶地把這段音樂從鍵盤上敲了出來。然後就一直在鍵盤上摸索著,希望可以找到一個比較合適的方式呈現。 這個練了很久,還是練不好的鋼琴版。鋼琴版有穿插多一句melody line。其實這個嘗試了幾種鋼琴裡的音色來練習。最後選擇了這個grand piano來呈現。影片裡講起黑洞,源自於最近上完一趟Astrotech的網上課程而有感而發的。 一個就是這個吶喊版的。因為鋼琴一直練不好,於是嘗試用唱的方式來呈現。結果每每唱一遍,內心的鬱悶好像就唱出來了,覺得有種輕鬆的感覺。從硬盤裡剛好看見一堆倒反的照片,就弄個凌亂式的影像來配合這個吶喊版的。 Melody complete on 10th June 2014.我的KPI。

[愛信情] 不要你愛上我

“嘿!我聽了你的歌。” 我錯愕的看著他。我反應不過來。 “是寫我嗎?” 我點了點頭。不語。目光立刻閃開,低頭,看著距離腳趾最接近的地方。 “是因為最近對你的關心,讓你困惑嗎?” 我又輕輕點了點頭。 “啊!你放心吧。我不會愛上你。我早就有了喜歡的對象。”聽到你很歡愉的說。 “噢。”我就只能在喉部擠出這個發音。 “拜啦!” 然後,我看見另一雙腳輕快地離開我的視線。 你不懂,我沒說。 因為太愛你,才會想讓你自由。 一直沒有已經進入新年了的感覺。想借這首歌作為2013的結束。 寫這首歌時,有兩首歌在我腦海裡響起。“想太多”和“Aku bukan untukmu”。還有,也因為“Once”的劇情。 有時候,愛一個人,不是希望他也回應那份愛,而是希望他好好的。然後,一些感覺,一些悸動,會慢慢成為過去。 後記:半年了,才肯接受自己還是無法好好的編這首歌。

[信情樂章] 告別

一直告別不了2013。這是告別曲之二。告別曲之一,因為一直無法把曲子編好、錄好,於是文稿躺在草稿箱裡,待用。 去年12月在美國拍了超過五千張照片吧?這可能也會和2009年的旅行一樣,寫了進入第五年,還沒寫完。那時還好,只用一部相機。(笑) 這是從S110,將近三千張照片裡,篩選出八十張,再由音樂長度,抽出這幾張做背景。打從開始弄這段音樂,就給它取名為“告別”。鋼琴部分,在幾天前就已經弄好了。今天給它添了string。前年中開始學了一年的鋼琴。幾天前,想說練一練學過的曲子,可是卻完全記不起來了。沒有琴譜記錄每個音符,我更是無法去記得自己學過什麼。汗顏的說。 想說,只要告別曲一弄好,我的2014應該就可以正式開始了。